Implementation of ‘Changing role of women in early 20th century’ (SOI-PT-02)

Title:  Changing role of women in early 20th century

Author(s): Niina Vantanen, Europeana Ambassador for Finland

Date of implementation: 19/02/2019


This learning scenario was implemented in a night-time adult education class, with the participation of 21 students, aged between 18 and 44 years, with a duration of 80 minutes (minimum time predicted by the author of the LS-75 minutes). Previously, the teacher presented Europeana portal and explained how to search for information, sharing the benefits of this project.

How has the learning scenario been implemented ?

As a first activity the concepts of democracy and universal suffrage and their etymology were explained. Realizing that the group perceived the key concepts, 4 work groups were formed. Then the teacher posted on the board (A3 format), 5 photos related to suffragettes and students looked at the pictures to find out information about the suffragettes as individuals and as a group. They did research in computers (they were in ICT classroom) answered the needed questions, understanding the important role these women’s acts had in the Suffragette Movement.

Women in history : creation of a timeline

The second activity proposed the creation of a timeline. The students were divided into 4 research areas: Northern / Eastern / Western / Southern Europe and easily involved in the construction of the proposed challenge. They easily found the relationship between the dates of WW I. and WW II. and being adults, they recognized easily the role of the women in war times, replacing mens, doing their job and the new role of women is modern times. They also commented some movies they saw about this period which showed the women performing tasks commonly attributed to men.

Having the timeline done, the students add the year of universal suffrage on the map of Europe (posted on the board) on the corresponding countries on a post-it note. They had a lot of fun doing it, remembering the geographical location of some countries, and discussed about the regional differences.

Research and reflection

The last activity was related with their own country, Portugal. They did the research and they shared the conclusions of the group work together. This was an opportunity to highlight the role of the unique female MP’s we had in Portugal (Maria de Lourdes Pintasilgo).

They did also a moment of final reflection:
Q: Please indicate the extent to which the activities developed during this lesson contributed to the enrichment of your competencies.

The aims of the lesson have been fulfilled. The group was very pleased with this learning scenario, expressing an interest in trying new scenarios with Europeana.

SOI photo collage –

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