Implementation of ‘Anne Frank Diary’ (SoI-BE-542)
Author: Lies Hoste, History teacher School: SD Secundair
The learning scenario was used in a group of 20 students at the age of 16 years during history lessons.
The central theme revolves around a transdisciplinary approach, centering on the Holocaust narrative through the reading of either the entire “Anne Frank Diary” or select excerpts, supplemented by viewing the documentary “#Anne Frank – Parallel Stories.” The objective is to uphold the principles of a democratic, free, and inclusive society. It’s crucial not to overlook the perils stemming from intolerance, hatred, xenophobia, racism, anti-Semitism, and discrimination.
Watching the trailer for the documentary “#Anne Frank – Parallel Stories” and “Anne Frank videodagboek”. – 10 min.-
Examining several photographs on the Europeana website, accompanied by a brief overview of the platform and its resources. – 20 min.-
Distributing copies of “Anne Frank’s Diary”. Reading and discussing three diary entries, delving into Anne Frank’s testimony, the atrocities of war, and the resilience of the human spirit. – 20 min.-
Students are encouraged to read the diary or watch the videos.
2. Group activity
Students will be organized into groups of 4/5 individuals to explore major study themes such as Anne Frank and the Holocaust. They will engage in brainstorming sessions and develop conceptual maps to visually depict various aspects of these topics. Students will utilize the digital tool for this purpose. Each group will collaborate on a shared Google Docs document, where they will record questions, reflections, topics, and essential information related to their discussions. – 50 min.-
3. Historical contextualisation
The History course provides vital context for the period of the 1930s and 1940s, elucidating the phenomena and factors that precipitated the Holocaust and the Second World War. The groups commence the initial creation of the historical timeline using -50 min.-
4. Documentary
During a history class, students view the documentary ” #Anne Frank, Parallel Stories” -100 min.-
5. Discussion
The students have a discussion session. The conclusions drawn from the discussion are shared on the Padlet platform: Additionally, groups compile Anne Frank’s biography and incorporate it into their portfolios using -50 min.-
Evaluation throughout all subjects will be ongoing and formative, encompassing both individual and collective reflections. The responsibility lies with the teaching team to gather assessments derived from observation, interaction, the quality of learning portfolios, and the grading of written assignments. Students will upload their final products on Google Classroom. There will be peer to peer evaluation and teacher evaluation. All students will leave a comment/feedback according to the following criteria: production/design/accuracy of the text written/creativity/ collaboration/ relevance of the topic/task given.
- Development of an interdisciplinary project in class about the theme:” Holocaust” from reading of the book: “Anne Frank”.
- Creation of a portfolio of resources about Holocaust, available to the community through the library’s blog.
Link to the learning scenario implemented: Anne Frank Diary (LS-PT-571) – Teaching With Europeana (
Do you want to discover more stories of implementation? Click here.
CC BY 4.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana and has been provided by the National Library of Israel.