Implementation of ‘Bites: when nutrition meets SDGs‘ (SoI-ES-515)


As an educational monitor at the Domus Museum in A Coruña, we carried out a workshop called BOCADOS in the museum’s Open Laboratory, aimed at school groups of a maximum of 30 students ranging from 5th grade primary to 2nd ESO.

This workshop is carried out as a complement to the BOCADOS exhibition that is part of the museum, where the aim is to raise awareness of the 17 SDGs in relation to Nutrition in a fun and accessible way. These goals reaffirm the international commitment to end poverty and malnutrition by 2030, as well as to promote prosperity and well-being for all, protect the environment and tackle climate change.

The narrative (Learning process/Stages of implementation)

This workshop took place with a group of 20 students from 6th grade of Primary School. Four groups of 5 members each were formed.

We begin by first explaining what the SDGs are with the help of an educational video appropriate to their level and then we summarise and share, emphasising the importance of the challenge of thinking globally and acting locally in order to, together, contribute to the final goals of the SDGs.

The workshop is then divided into 3 activities, each of which focuses on a specific goal.

Activity 1. Discover cereal! 20 minutes.

It is focused on SDG2 Zero Hunger. We explain the objective and then we hand out bags with cereals and their corresponding images from the Europeana Digital Library. We give them a few minutes to associate them and then, through a Kahoot game, the groups play and compete to guess the questions.

Activity 2. Fruit for everyone. 15 minutes.

Focus on SDG2 End poverty.

Explanation of this goal, focusing on the importance of fruit for a healthy diet. In this activity we use Europeana as a tool to learn about the different possibilities of paper folding. Pieces of cardboard and templates are handed out with instructions for each person to make the proposed fruits with origami.

Activity 3. Be a molecular chef. 20 minutes

Focus on SDG4. Quality Education.

Explanation of the objective and the development of the activity, which consists of making fake caviar with the ingredients provided.

Outcomes (for you as an educator and for the students)

I consider it vitally important to develop this type of workshop with groups of students because experience shows me that, in a playful and friendly way, a lot of knowledge can be provided.  Students are usually very receptive because the fact of using visual tools, such as images from Europeana, games, etc. means that the SDGs, which they are often unfamiliar with or which seem distant to them, motivates them to achieve a more in-depth knowledge together with a commitment to create a more sustainable and equal world for all.

Link to the learning scenario implemented:

Do you want to discover more stories of implementation? Click here.

CC BY 4.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana and has been provided by the Wellcome Collection.

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