Implementation of “Chopin, Einstein, Picasso as Migrant Stars” (SOl-HR-361)

Author: Nusreta Murtič, german teacher
School/Organization: Primary school Ivana Gorana Kovačića Vrbovsko, Croatia
Music, science and art are one and when they are separated by continents and oceans .
The connection between these fields in Chopin, Einstein, Picasso as migrant stars made me think about the power and impact of one of these areas on the other and their impact on society, social change in general and their response to the state of society. How did Sigmund Freud, Arnold Schönberg and images of Gustav Klimt in migration influence the development of society, culture and science? What role and importance do they still play today ? How are these relationships, influences and thoughts that will later be transferred to canvas, notes and mental health of people, continuing their journey beyond the borders of Austria, and what do students think about this?
Viennese symphony of science, music and art in migration
The students, who are learning German as a second foreign language at the age of 13-14
years, implemented and connected several segments of the German language curriculum
and cross-curricular topics, developing intercultural competence, linguistic
communication where they used dependently complex sentences-dass, expressing the
attitude about the representatives of Viennese Modernism, their connections, their lives
and work in migration. After his death, the Klimt’s paintings experienced a kind of escape
and migration, Sigmund Freud found refuge in London, and Arnold Schönberg in America.
Students communicated and collaborated in a digital environment, exploring the digital
heritage of Europeana. Implementation lasted two school hours. Preparation of activities
and materials takes up to 45 minutes.
In the motivational introductory part, with the help of the tool, by looking at the image, the students taught their pre-knowledge and spread the vocabulary question associating you? After a short exchange of ideas, students received another question in the same digital tool – What did you dream last night?

Brainstorming-Worauf assoziert euch das Foto?

Brainstorming-Wovon habt ihr geträumt?
Sigmund Freud-Vienna-1900
After watching a video about Vienna’s modern ,students understand the life and work of Sigmund Freud and make a worksheet for understanding of video. The detailed analysis of Gustav Klimt and Arnold Schönberg was carried out by the students with the help of archives and content in Europeana.

Worksheet – listening/watching the video with comprehension. Made in Canva
Europeana connects
Exploring and studying sources on Europeana to connect the three intellectuals and how Sigmun Freud influenced them. With the help of sources on Europeana, students could connect content from stories and galleries and get to know the character and work of each of these artists better. Links to European and other content:
In the background, while students investigate, they listen to a piece by Arnold Schönberg.
All sources in English were translated into German using online dictionaries to actively use the target language they were learning.
From dream to reality
The students were divided into groups and each group investigated the character and work of another artist. After collecting materials and important facts linking them to the Vienna modern period, students made infographics. Students are exploring their life and the cross between creation and work since 1900 and Sigmund Freud’s influence on thinking, analysis, canvas and sheet music.

Students are exploring Europeana resources, choosing infographics in Canva and looking for information related to the times of Vienna Moderna
What connects them
Through research of life and work, cooperation, students create infographics, present them, conduct peer self-improvement and seek connections in the time and space in which they lived.

Infographic made in canva
Our dreams on the digital canvas
Does what we dream have to do with our fears, desires and goals? This is what students tried to show by painting some owls on a digital canvas in
Was Freud right or was he partly right? During the debate, the students answered these and similar questions.

Hm, it seems interesting!
By implementing the learning scenario, students achieved several outcomes. Using targeted language, students developed all four language skills, developed attitudes and feelings towards another culture, tradition, historical facts, scientific facts, lifestyle, thinking and creation using digital and communication technology. Through the debate, students were able to express their views and expose themselves with the help of digital tools. I think that any content can be easily approached by students, their age, background, interests and conditions in which classes are conducted. It is very important how you will attract the attention of students to the topic and motivate them to get to know the world of digital heritage, history, art and science and relate it to their own experience. Students utilized their artistic talents to generate innovative thinking connected with STEM.
My journey through Europeana
The possibility of connecting several areas and implementation in teaching through Europeana resources delighted me. A wealth of resources, content, the simplicity of language that even my elementary school students can understand and use. Using Europeana, I enriched my experience, learned a lot about history, art, and found a handful of ideas that I will continue to use in my work. A simple overview of the content, broken down by category, made it much easier to find information and offer suggestions for possible use, taking into account copyright protection. The teaching scenario can expand and connect the period of secession, i.e. modernism in other parts of Europe, and carry out a virtual exhibition of artistic direction and dissemination of the artist’s idea mentioned in the script.
Did you find this story of implementation interesting? Why don’t you read about the related learning scenario? Chopin, Einstein, Picasso as Migrant Stars (LS-PL-81), created by Malgorzata Zajaczkowska
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Public Domain Mark 1.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana and has been provided by the Rijksmuseum.