Implementation of “Coding with Europeana”(SOI-TR-274)

Author: Ahmet Sahin,  Teacher, Technology and Design Education

School/Organization: Yüreğir Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi

I chose this scenario to show that robots are made without computers. A musical robot made with a computer. I tried to show that it can also be done without a computer, microcontroller and electricity, and explain that making a robot is actually simple. I wanted to connect this scenario with art and science. We tried to make the music algorithm again, which made the musical instrument that works autonomously in the 1200s (Jaziri). We tried to teach stem, art and coding.

This application is for Coding with Europeana. The learning scenario written by José María Díaz Fuentes was realized with 9 students. Instead of preparing games without a computer, it was wanted to create a musical instrument that works autonomously. 


Engineering studies from European sources(such as Leonardo Da Vinci’s projects) can be adapted again. An algorithm was created and the coding activity was requested to be applied. They want to show that it is possible to make a robot without a computer.

Execution of the Event

 Our students are shown how to encode music with the Scratch block-based program.  In the Scratch program, they are asked to create a piece of music using a bell. The aim of the students is to find an engineering project and adapt it again. To gain engineering skills. Coding these projects with a computer. The students were applied to groups of 3 or 4 people. They were asked to make a musical instrument that played autonomously using the potential energy of water as an energy source. These materials are distributed.

Materials: Straw, garbage skewers, silicone, pet cups, scissors, plastic spoons, materials are provided in a limited number.  

Construction of the Prototype

First of all, they were asked to draw the autonomous musical instrument they were going to make.  They are asked to determine the necessary materials, take notes about the construction stages. They are given time to work their musical instruments. Each team is given time to explain how they made the musical instrument. They are asked to evaluate themselves with a self-assessment scale. The instructor evaluates the students with an observation form while the activity is being performed.


The sutudents interprets by recreating a work made a long time ago. Eurapeana uses its resources to understand the logic of engineering projects. The microcontroller realizes that he can design vehicles that operate independently without the need for electrical energy.  He sees that a computer for autonomous running vehicles can also be made without the need. He understands that making a robot is actually easy. He realizes that he can solve problems with the opportunities at his disposal. Defines the robot. He realizes that people made the first robot a long time ago. He gains the ability to work in a team. He learns through trial and error. He sees that potential energy is transformed into motion energy. He’s testing force transfer systems. He makes a musical instrument that works with the effect of movement.

The implementation context

Autonomous Musical Instrument Making

It allows the redesign of the musical instrument that works autonomously. Creates a melody with a block-based coding program. It converts the potential energy of water into kinetic energy. It obtains sound energy by transferring motion energy to different places. He learns to create a project idea, make a draft drawing of the idea he found. He shares his idea with his friend and exchanges ideas.

The narrative

The teacher introduces the activity that the students will do

Event presentation.

Creates a melody with the block-based Scratch program.

They are shown where and how to test the musical instrument that works autonomously.

They are shown what materials they will use for the construction of an autonomous musical instrument.

Draws a prototype of a musical instrument(shares it via Padlet).

They choose the prototype they will make as a team and decide how they will do it.

He tests the prototype they made.

They take notes of the test results(such as why it worked or did not work)

Students present the work they have done(how the idea came about and how they made the prototype).

They rate themselves on the Google form.

During the activity, the teacher evaluates the students with an observation form.

A melody can be extracted by coding with a computer, and art can be made using technology. I added art to the coding activity without a computer. I made them see that something can also be done using existing technology. Understands motion transfer, kinetic and potential energy in science class, and the formation of sound by tapping. Their self-confidence increases with teamwork. Speech in the face of the community can express themselves. He learns to defend his opinion and respect the opinion of others.  It takes 160 minutes to do the activity.

Learning outcomes

A robot can also be made without a computer and electrical energy

They have identified the robot. They saw that robots could be made with the facilities at hand. 13. they have seen autonomous systems made in the century. They saw mill systems that work with the potential and kinetic energy of water. They understood the music system that works autonomously. By coding the melody with a block-based Scratch program, they detected the algorithm logic. They realized that algorithms can be created with gear, pulley, reel systems. They realized that they could create melodies even without a computer. They realized that a microcontroller and a computer were not needed to make a robot.  They made sketches for motion systems. They gained the ability to work as a team. They realized that they would test their solution ideas through trial and error. Taking note of the problems and solutions they experienced during the study, they did engineering work. They realized the importance of taking notes. They improved their presentation skills by presenting their projects in front of the community. They had a discussion about their projects.

Padlet link

Other systems that work independently without a computer are also shown. For example, toys that work mechanically. Employees who must install or move when they are moved. Animation of the toy is made with the Scratch program. Your toy is made of cardboard and moves with ropes and reels. The potential energy of the springs is used as an energy source. After animating toys, he makes physically working toys.  For example

Outcomes for the educator

Use of the content

It is very nice that cultural resources are integrated with education. Combining these resources with educational achievements increases the participation of our students in the classroom. There are resources to show the interaction of art and science with each other.

This learning scenario can also be used. Implementation of ‘Coding with Europeana’ (SOI-TR-257)

There has been information about autonomous devices made a long time ago. When there is a technological apocalypse(when all electronic devices do not work), people will have to meet their needs with primitive machines.

I was interested in coding without a computer. I wanted to adapt it to the automatic systems made in the 1200s. I wanted them to code these systems with a block-based program. I tried to Deconstruct technology, art and history together. A robot can also be made without electronics.

Did you find this story of implementation interesting? Why don’t you read about the related learning scenario?  Coding with Europeana (LS-ES-250) created by Josemariad 

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CC BY 4.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana and has been provided by the Wellcome Collection.

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