Implementation of ”Diversity Illustrated in Dolls” (SoI-GR-563)

Author: Eleni Soufleri


The learning scenario was Diversity Illustrated in Dolls by Dorianne Galea and it referred to diversity. It was related to Toys and dolls, social awareness and responsibility and more specifically to diversity. My goals were to help the children understand that all people are not the same, but different, but everyone deserves our respect and love. Also, the scenario I chose – in Greek – could be applied to my students, because it was simple and understandable. I got a lot of ideas, implemented the scenario activities, but I also conducted my own activities. The scenario was applied in a kindergarten, specifically to 18 children aged 4-6 years. Toddlers have a little familiarity with Europeana, where a forest scenario took place last year.

The process of work

It lasted 4 weeks, for 3 teaching hours each week. There were many adaptations to the learning scenario that I found. In my class there is a teacher for 2 children with special educational needs, so he adapted my activities according to their characteristics.

The scenario is divided:

  1.  Ιt is me, Ι am unique:
  • I introduce myself
  • We find differences and similarities between us and understand that everyone is unique and special
  • We take dolls and compare them. Also in European images, we classify similarities and differences after observation.
  1. My print
  • We talked about the prints
  • One of the things that sets us apart from the others is the police ID, which we talked about.
  • We created our own police IDs
  1. We grow better together!
  • We talked about the collaboration
  • we found and wrote words starting with the syllable << plus>>
  • We talked about friendship and saw in activities such as limping when things are easier
  1. I set goals and move forward
  • We talked about the goals we can set if all people have the same or different goals, and what it depends on
  • we wrote and painted our slogan
  • we wrote another slogan with emphasis on the different

The outcomes

The main learning outcomes were:  1. In terms of language:  The children were enriching their vocabulary and they learned what compound words are and they thought of words with the syllable <<plus>>.  2. Cognitive : They enriched their knowledge and they learned to find material from Europeana  3. Socioemotional: The children understood that we are not all the same, but different and unique, they learned that everyone has their own imprint and personality, they understood the value of cooperation and friendship and they realized that we don’t all have the same goals in life  4. Creativity: Through collaboration they created their own slogans and they created their own police ID. The learning outcomes for me were that I learned to make better use of European resources, that my goals were met, and that the children enjoyed the scenario.

Did you find this story of implementation interesting? Why don’t you read about the related learning scenario? Link to the learning scenario implemented: Diversity Illustrated in Dolls.

Do you want to discover more stories of implementation? Click here.

CC BY 4.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana and has been provided by the Helsinki City Museum.

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