Implementation of “Diversity illustrated in dolls” (SOl-RO-293)
Author: Gabriela Ungureanu, primary school teacher
School/Organization: Scoala Gimnaziala “Inv. Radu Ion” Vadu-Parului
The implementation context
We are all different and that’s beautiful!
Age of students: 6-7 years old (preparatory class)
Participants: 15 students
Teaching time: 40 minutes
Place: our classroom
Online teaching material
Offline teaching material: The poem “Grandfather and the 4 races” by Nichita Stanescu, worksheets
ScenarioI used the scenario suggested by Dorianne Galea in a personal development lesson where we talked about people around the world. I wanted to help children to reflect on the notion that on the Earth we are all different and that difference make us special and beautiful. It was our first experience on and we enjoyed it!
The narrative
People of the Earth
The introduction to the lesson was a reading of the poem “Grandfather and the 4 races” by Nichita Stănescu, a Romanian writer.
We tried to find the answer of the question: „Why do people on Earth have different skin colours?”.
Similar or different?
We looked at pictures of children of different races, we looked around and noticed that in our classroom there were children with different hair colours, different eye colours, even a different skin tone.
We did the quiz suggested by Dorianne. Quizz
We also used the English vocabulary related to colours, clothing and body parts. We observed the costumes of different countries and every child had chosen the most beautiful costume.
My different friends
The worksheet – We coloured the four children in the different modes like our initial poem about the 4 races
Learning outcomes
Just Be Kind!
The children had learned that even if we are all different, every one of us is important, has feelings and ideas and is beautiful! We need to respect one another to live in a better world!
Trends: lifelong Learning, peer learning, game-based learning&gaming, media literacy.
The engagement children’s throughout the activity and their multiple questions about the diversity showed that this theme is very actual and interesting. Children like the activity.
Outcomes for the educator
Yes, we can!
Diversity, tolerance, inclusion are the very actual themes and on we can find many resources. The access to them is very easy. The specific pattern of a lesson is also very helpful. The ideas shared by other users are useful and can easily be applied in a different classroom and in different countries. It was really a challenge to make this first summary of the implementation of the project at my classroom. I liked it and I will try another scenarios.
Did you find this story of implementation interesting? Why don’t you read about the related learning scenario? Diversity Illustrated in Dolls created by Dorianne Galea
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Public Domain Mark 1.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana and has been provided by the Nationalmuseet Sweden.