Implementation of “Ecology in the Energy System and Companies” (SOI-RS-335)
Author: Marina Stanojlovic Mircic, Italian language and Citizenship teacher
School/Organization: Ljuba Nesic lower secondary school
According to the school plan and curriculum for Italian language in 8th grade, my students had to learn words about energy sources and energy consumption in Italian. I decided not to use the text in their student book and found on Teching with Europeana blog great resource Ecology in the Energy System and Companies.
This is an offline implementation of LS in two school subjects: correlation between Italian language with Physics. My students are 15 years-old, and 15 of them participated in the class. They are familiar with using different reosurces, including Europeana Collections.
Warm up activity (10 minutes) was watching video about energy in Italian “Le fonti di energia”:, which helped them recall the knowledge of physics about energy types.
During the main part of class (25 min of “reading and comprehension”) my students were reading the LS ”Ecology in the Energy System and Companies”from the school projector and trying to understand it: They were divided into groups and each group had to analyze their section from the text. I was asking questions to help them to understand the key words and global meaning of the resource.
In last part of the class (10 min) I gave them a small student’s worksheet to answer the question and control their knowledge:
They were supposed to link the types of energies to the images, determine whether the sentences written were correct or false, and share ideas on how to reduce energy consumption.
Our goals
- Understand what energy is, what types of energy there are, and the different forms of energy
- Explore cause and effect as it relates to energy use
- Compare how children around the world use energy to identify similarities and differences.
In this SoI I’ve explained how I introduced STEM contents into subject that I teach Italian language, in order to connect the study of Italian to real life situations. As Scientix Ambassador, I wanted that my students find a solution of the problem using research work, critical opinion, their strong sides of personality, peer collaboration, etc.
Teaching with Europeana blog
If you are an educator, a learner or a parent interested in innovative learning, this is your place! Here you can find a selection of educational resources using digital culture. You can discover inspiring cultural heritage from European museums, galleries, libraries and archives.
I like this resource very much and I was Europeana DSI-4 User Group Teacher for two years ina row. I use Europeana collections very often in my teaching practise.
So far my two learning scenarios and my two implementation stories have been published on the blog “Teaching with Europeana”: Prehistoric and Roman heritage of Eastern Serbia, Gender inequality in workplaces, Implementation of ‘Coding with Europeana’ and Implementation of ‘Food Tests’.
Did you find this story of implementation interesting? Why don’t you read about the related learning scenario? Ecology in the Energy System and Companies (LS-PL-297) created by Marcin Jablonski
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Public Domain Mark 1.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana and has been provided by the Rijksmuseum.