Implementation of ‘Evolution of Robots’ (SoI-PL-247)

On 9th March 2022 I greatly enjoyed implementing the learning scenario entitled ‘Evolution of Robots,’ created by Ayse Kubra Gunel, to a group of my 3-year students of Mechatronic Technical School in Grudziądz, Poland.

A few words about the group in which the Learning Scenario was implemented:

The group of students in which the lesson was conducted consisted of students of the 3rd grade of the mechatronic technical school, aged 17-18. These are students interested in an innovative approach to education, taking care of their work through a project. The classes were conducted during vocational lessons.

How the classes were conducted:

The classes are ideal for gently introducing future technicians to the subject of ROBOTICS! The progress in this field is shown in an easy and interesting way. Thanks to Europeana, we can show proven information and thanks to YouTube videos, which have a great impact on  young people, we can make the learning process more interesting. They can learn to assimilate information in a nice way.

Viewing films, materials, photos, and discussing a topic helps a lot with effective and innovative teaching. In addition, we can show the evolution of various types of machines in a very accessible way.

Once again, congratulations to the author of the learning scenario on the idea for the perfect class that was possible to be used by me too!

How did the students deal with the implementation of the subject and how many elements each group created:

During the classes, the students performed the tasks assigned to them. Each group of students created an essay on the subject and then presented their views on the evolution of robots. The lessons were summarized in the discussion.

How much time was required to conduct the classes:

The time needed to complete the task was one meeting within two blocks of 2×45 mins. (180 mins).

Why I recommend conducting classes based on this Learning Scenario:

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the role of robotic evolution in the modern world and its historical perspective.

During the lesson, it was shown how the human approach to automation of manufacturing processes has changed from industry 1.0 to 4.0. Today’s robotization is the integration of work on the human-robot line.

My feelings as a teacher.

Teaching new technologies is the most desirable form of education in the modern world. The student should also be shown the historical context of certain technological solutions. Similarly, a modern teacher does not stand at the blackboard and does not pass the knowledge “ex cathedra“, but the teacher has to know new technologies and be fluent in using them.

Did you find this story of implementation interesting? Why don’t you read about the related learning scenario?

Evolution of Robots created by Ayşe Kubra Gunel

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Public Domain Mark 1.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana and has been provided by the Tekniska museet .

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