Implementation of ‘Feel the Moment – touch the 19th-century image and discover’ (SOI-PL-57)

I’m a Polish literature teacher at a Music High School. I decided to implement the Learning Scenario prepared by Katarzyna Kwiatek-Grabarska titled, “Feel the Moment – touch the 19th-century image and discover.”

What I found interesting in it is the idea of immersing oneself in the depths of 19th-century images and bringing them to life.

I  decided to use this learning scenario about images as support during a lesson about creating nature in poetry. I decided on the era of Modernism in Polish literature.

Developing students’ involvement

The beginning of the lesson is very well planned. Dividing students into groups and giving them special tasks is a very good idea. It helps to catch their attention and make the lesson much more interesting.

Using the Thinglink App is a very good idea. It gives students the feeling that there are not following a lecture, but they are participating in a workshop. Thanks to that, they can have an active role in the lesson and create something new instead of just listening.

Adding new dimensions to the original learning scenario

What I changed was giving the students a list of tasks to complete. For instance, describing colours, people and imagining a theoretical lyrical situation. The last task was an introduction to my class – the students had to write 5 sentences about an image. However, it was not supposed to be a review of the image, but an impression from the point of view of a person who is inside the picture. As a result, I was able to start a conversation about describing a moment with words and comparing it to creating moments with colours. That was an opening problem for me to talk about poetry in the era of Modernism in Poland.


In conclusion, I think this learning scenario can be used in many other projects in literature classes. It can help to examine arts with modern tools and it combines two elements: entertainment and didactics. I really enjoyed this implementation!

Did you find this story of implementation interesting? Why don’t you read about the related learning scenario?

Feel the Moment – touch the 19th century image and discover created by 
Katarzyna Kwiatek-Grabarska

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The featured image used to illustrate this article belongs to the public domain.

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