Implementation of ‘Gender Inequality in Workplaces’ (SOI-DI-232)
This learning scenario, created by Marina Stanojlović Mirčić, is about the problem of gender inequality in workplaces. The main goal for students is to think of the question: is it possible for women to work in higher positions?
I have implemented this scenario in my school in two different contexts:
- with students of 12-13 years old (7th year of school) in a specific Citizenship and Development subject class; and
- with students of 13-14 years old (8th year of school) in transversal project-based learning, correlated with other subjects (Math and Social Studies).
We started with a brainstorming session about gender stereotypes and gender equality. We have proposed some videos to inspire reflection and discussion with the students. We have previously organized a Padlet with the main purpose of the work they had to do, and all resources: videos, links to Europeana Collections, images and articles of Europeana Blog related to Gender Equality, and others.
Research process
After discussing the problem of inequality of men and women, students, in groups, explore Europeana content and created simple posters and presentations, using canvas. They have read Europeana articles and searched for images to illustrate their points of view. After that, we proposed another session of debate and discussion about their findings.
Students of the 8th year researched more. They read, for example, “Gender Equality Index 2020” and they analysed the positive and negative conclusions. They were concerned about the unbalance between men and women in decision-making positions. So, they looked at the current number of men (60%) and women (40%) in the Portugal Government, since the last legislative elections (Pordata, 2021). After that, they reflected on the reasons for these inequalities, searching for more information, for example, about inequalities for women and men at housework and family care, and gender stereotypes.
Creation process
Students were motivated by this theme. They wanted to expose their ideas, creating content to explain and alert others about gender equality. When they read the article “Relevance of gender in the policy area” they realized that gender stereotypes could also be present in their textbooks. So, they had an idea to create original curricular problems/exercises to deconstruct and challenge students and teachers to read texts and watch pictures without gender stereotypes.
After that, they created videos to explain their examples and ideas. They were creative and critical for transmitting the message to help raise public awareness of gender equality.
The analysis of the articles and images available on Europeana helped students to discuss their ideas of the gender inequality problem. The creation process helped students to understand more the problem and motivate them to act in this important UNESCO Sustainable Development Goal.
Did you find this story of implementation interesting? Why don’t you read about the learning scenario:
Gender inequality in workplaces created by Marina Stanojlović Mirčić
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Do you want to discover more stories of implementation? Click here
Public Domain Mark 1.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana and has been provided by the Falbygdens museum.