Implementation of “Inclusion Processes through Participatory Photography and Digital Narratives” (SoI-ES-230)
Context of implementation
The students that took part in the implementation are attending a Vocational Education Course (Higher Technician in Social Integration), students ages range from 19 to 55 and one of the students in blind so we adapted the activities so they were accesible for her. We have implemented the LS in the subject of Socio-Labour Insertion. Students had to analyse the different social groups in order to give their support to promote social and labour integration. As future social care professionals, migrants are one of the most important collectives to work with, consequently, this activity is a big milestone in their investigation of the reality of migration.
Implementing the Learning Scenario
This school year our students are following their compulsory lessons by a hybrid teaching method due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Part of the activities were developed online with the teacher support and some of the activities were carried out by scholars outside the school space (at home or from their internship posts). They conducted interviews with migrants in their internship context or with people from their personal or family environment.
The implementation was a success. In order to facilitate the expression of interviewed people opinions (especially when they are not attached to them), migrant people were asked (by students) to choose one of these three words: Solidarity, humanitarianism and friendship. The student’s tasks were prepared from the conceptualization of the meanings of these terms connected to them. A working session was dedicated to present key concepts and the Europeana collection ‘Faces of Migration’.
In a second session, students were encouraged to prepare the interviews with migrant people, taking into account the objective of the research. Two sessions were dedicated to create a website to collect the students’ work. In a fourth session, the material prepared was shared among all the students. Each interview was commented among students and the articles were published. There were no difficulties in the development of the LS.
You can find all the students articles looking at this link:
SoI_ Inclusion Processes through Participatory Photography (
Students showed great motivation to participate in the activity. All of them were really motivated and we could see their enthusiasm as they felt they were participating in a practical and useful activity. I would like to emphasize the special involvement of one of the students who, encouraged by her company tutor, extended the activity to all the members of his training company.
It is relevant to point out that the final exhibition of all the contributions on the webpage brought out feelings of satisfaction and joy at a time of restrictions and discouragement that particularly affects our young people. Obviously, the reality of migration is a close topic to them, either from their own experience or because they are living it in the reality of their internships in some local NGOs. In our case, we consider it appropriate to deepen the experience to know different cultures within an inclusion process. The contributions through the definitions of the aforementioned concepts (solidarity, humanitarianism and friendship) have facilitated the approach towards the feelings and experiences of the migrant people.
On Europeana Resources:
Resources from Europeana that were used:
These resources were used to initiate reflection on the subject and propose the activity to be carried out with the objectives of the same.
Other resources:
Video that talks about what is left behind when people migrate.
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CC BY 3.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on
Europeana and has been provided by the Digitale Collectie.