Implementation of ‘Jobs in the Past’ (SOI-PT-128)

Industrial conditions

Working in school

This Learning Scenario was implemented at Secondary School Soares Basto, in Oliveira de Azeméis, Portugal in a school library context.

The main goal concerning the implementation of this learning scenario was to involve the ‘Madalena Sotto’ school library activities directly in the classroom, with different classes. That goal was also set to support students in their training research techniques and oral presentation techniques of school work. We consider these skills to be something fundamental, not only for the present but also for their future as professional citizens and workers.

We work collaboratively with the ICT faculty to support the curriculum using research guidelines for written and oral work following the Herrings research model (PLUS model). The outcome produced with the implementation of the LS is a presentation about the monuments, ancient traditions, jobs in the past and legends of our region, created by the students using this LS as a framework.

Project development:

To obtain the initial goals and to implement the LS we followed these action steps:

1. Lecture followed by practical research exercises, using different search techniques, using the PLUS model.
2. Explanation of some techniques and ways of acting to best selection techniques.
3. Explanation of some techniques and ways of acting with copyright laws, citations and copying.
4. Searching local monuments, legends, traditions and jobs in the past, based on the internet searching and family conversations.

Students working on the LS implementation


We consider this LS to have been crucial in helping our students to develop the activities that we had designed in order to involve the school library more closely to the classroom and this way be able to involve students in the school library activities.
The importance of digital cultural heritage is a key point in helping our students understand the past and Europeana is a key driver in that understanding.

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Jobs in the Past created by Sari Hopeakoski

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CC BY 4.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana Collections and provided by the Wellcome Collection.

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