Implementation of “Le Domus a Pompei Con La Realtà Aumentata” (SOI-IT-483)

My name is Giovanna Virgili, I am a History of Art teacher at Liceo Manzoni in Caserta. I have decided to implement the learning “Le Domus a Pompei Con La Realtà Aumentata (IT-CUR-431)” because this scenario provides an interactive exploration of Pompeii’s layout and the design of ancient Roman homes, fostering engagement and deeper understanding through hands-on activities and group discussions. 

The learning scenario “Le Domus a Pompei Con La Realtà Aumentata (IT-CUR-431)” used, supports students in creating a domus three-dimensional physical model in scale with the 3D printer, starting from its two-dimensional representation and adding other information such as frescoes images or uses and customs of the Roman civilization. All this information was displayed with Augmented Reality and virtual tour applications. I found this scenario very fascinating and useful for my students: I wanted to use it but I had to adapt it for students 15-16 aged from Liceo Classico, not used to working at school with Augmented Reality or 3D printers. For this reason, I have made some adaptations to the original resource.

The Narrative

I organized my work into the following 6 lessons of 1 hour each:

Introduction to Pompeian Architecture

I started with an overview of Pompeian architecture, highlighting the significance of domus in Roman society. I introduced the importance of understanding the layout and features of Pompeian homes and discussed the relevance of studying Pompeian architecture, in particular with classical studies. I Introduced Europeana to students as a valuable resource for accessing cultural heritage materials. I showed them relevant artefacts, images, and documents related to Pompeian architecture available on Europeana.

 Interactive Lecture on Pompeian Domus

I Utilized maps and floor plans of Pompei ruins to illustrate the layout of a typical Pompeian domus. Then I discussed with students the various rooms in a domus, such as the atrium, tablinum, peristyle, and cubicula. We Explore the functions of each room and their significance in daily life, incorporating historical context and cultural practices.

Hands-on Activity: Planimetric Analysis

I Provided students with planimetric map of Pompeian domus, either physical or digital. I divided students into groups of four and assigned each group a specific domus to analyze. I have Instructed students to identify key architectural elements and annotate the floor plan accordingly. I have encouraged students to discuss their findings and compare similarities and differences between different domus layouts.

Search for Discussion: Europeana Resources

I introduced Europeana as a valuable resource for accessing cultural heritage materials. Students found relevant artefacts, images, and documents related to Pompeian architecture available on Europeana, they discussed how these resources enhance understanding and provide additional insights into Pompeian life and culture.

Group Discussion and Reflection

I have facilitated a group discussion about the significance of Pompeian architecture and its relevance to contemporary society. I have encouraged students to reflect on their learning experiences and share insights gained from the lesson. We discussed potential connections between Pompeian architecture and modern urban planning or architectural design.

 Conclusion and Follow-up Activities

At the end of the activity, I summarized key concepts from the lesson. I have also provided additional resources or reading materials for students interested in further exploration of Pompeian architecture.


spread enthusiastic feelings among students. Through this immersive experience, students gained a deeper understanding of ancient Roman life and culture, particularly within the context of Pompeii. Utilizing Europeana’s vast resources, students were able to explore a wide range of artefacts, documents, and artworks related to Pompeian life. This allowed them to engage with primary sources and develop a more comprehensive understanding of the topic. By analyzing various sources available on Europeana, students honed their critical thinking skills, their creative expression, and their learning in innovative ways. They finally realized a collage of the main domus typologies.

At the end of this experience, Europeana made me feel like a learning facilitator: I played with the students through the Europeana platform, improving my research ability and my digital skills. 

Overall, the implementation of the Europeana scenario on the Pompeian domus has been a transformative learning experience for students and myself as a teacher, enriching our understanding of history and cultural heritage through the innovative use of digital resources.

Link to the learning scenario implemented: Le Domus a Pompei Con La Realtà Aumentata (IT-CUR-431)

Do you want to discover more stories of implementation? Click here.

CC BY 3.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana and has been provided by the University of Edinburgh.

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