Implementation of ‘Native Americans as Grand-Coders’ (SOI-HR-148)
Through the implementation of this LS my students learned about communication known nowadays and that one in the past, with effective use of digital technology tools and Europeana resources.
The original scenario required some slight modification in the process and content. Furthermore, I decided to integrate digital tools and technology in order to promote creativity. The class was divided into groups and the lesson showed students how helpful teamwork can be. As an introduction, I used a communication icebreaker game called ‘Puzzle pieces’ to practice interactively some non-verbal skills that not only build empathy but can improve interactions with others as well.
Puzzle pieces game
Using I made this puzzle game. Each team of four students got a link to the game and they tried to assemble the complete Europeana image.
Teams had helpers and workers. Helpers had ‘results’ and using non- verbal communications helped their teams. Students were introduced to the topic by displaying a funny movie on smoke signals. Using Europeana resources from this LS the teacher explained the meaning of clothes, hairstyle and make-up of Native Americans.
For students of all ages, it is an absolutely natural behaviour to use technology. Choosing Metaverse allows students to make connections, play with ideas and generate them. They were highly motivated because the possibilities are endless and that kept them going. Using Metaverse they made an Indian profile picture and picked a Native American name.
Students did peer assessment by sharing and commenting on each other’s Metaverse pictures.
Final thoughts
I planned 3×45’ for this scenario and the time was sufficient for the implementation. Students need more opportunities to use creativity in the classroom, particularly with regard to technology and teaching tools in an interdisciplinary way. The students were impressed and liked researching Europeana. All of them said they would use it again because they consider Europeana stimulating. It motivates them to search for new ideas in a safe and user-friendly environment.
Did you find this story of implementation interesting? Why don’t you read about the related learning scenario:
Native Americans as grand-coders by Paulina Ostrowska-Jewgiejuk
Do you want to discover more stories of implementation? Click here
CC BY 4.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana Collections and has been provided by the Wellcome Collection.