Implementation of ‘ReFake It’ (SOI-HR-56)
The learning scenario, created by Tóth Éva from Hungary, combines technology and art by recreating paintings. I chose it for implementation in my class. I am Alma Suto, an ICT teacher, from the Croatian User Group of Europeana.
This learning scenario is meant to be used with students who have been introduced to Europeana for the first time. This project aims at incorporating Arts into the world of IT and technology. For this purpose, after some brainstorming and research, students have to search for a painting that can be recreated or refaced in modern style. According to the Croatian National curriculum for Primary school, it fits in with the 7th graders (age of pupils 13-14) during an ICT class.
As a warm-up, I presented the Europeana homepage. I let students explore and use the navigation bar, menu and tabs. I formed groups of two and they searched for a painting from Europeana on the following criteria: one person without a face being shown. Also, search options: image, free re-use, CC-BY, “painting”. They then presented what they found.
Students generated a QR code for the painting they found on Europeana. For homework they got the task to recreate the painting involving or presenting modern-day concepts/ideas and environment. After that students had to present their remake of the Europeana painting and create a photo with the original painting, QR code and remake and publish their works on Padlet. Their next task was to compile a quiz of 5 questions based on their research about the painter/painting. After that students the links of their quiz on Lino table. For the end -self- and peer-evaluation.
Final thoughts
For this scenario, I planned 4×45’ lesson and that was sufficient time for implementing it. The aims of the lesson have been fulfilled, the students have learned how to use Europeana and find information. They have improved their teamwork and collaboration skills, critical thinking, online research abilities and language competencies. Finally, my students enjoyed the lesson and they could give their feedback.
All information and photos taken during the lesson have been uploaded on the Office365 Sway in order to ensure sustainability. Check it out if you would like to find out more about our project.
Did you find this story of implementation interesting? Why don’t you read about the related learning scenario?
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- ‘ReFakeIt‘, implemented by Éva Tóth
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Do you want to discover more stories of implementation? Click here.
The featured image used to illustrate this article has been created during the implementation of the lesson.