Implementation of “Sexism and Gender Equality” (SOI-GR-392)

Author: Eleni Papadopoulou MA, BA Philology, Classics AUTh, BA Theology AUTh

School/Organization: 2nd Model Senior High School of Thessaloniki

The scenario “Sexism and Gender Equality (EL-CUR-676)” by Georgia Dimitriadou was implemented in the last two hours of the unit “Stereotypes and Racism” of Modern Greek Language and Literature of the 2nd grade. Trying to complete cognitively and emotionally the topic Racism and its miserable manifestations, I searched Europeana for relevant lesson scenarios. The choice of this particular scenario matched my search perfectly, so after some modifications to adapt it to my classroom, I implemented it.

Cooperation in the computer lab.

The scenario was implemented on Wednesday 1/3/2023 in a consecutive two-hour session in our school’s computer lab. 24 students of the 2nd grade participated, most of whom are 17 years old and are quite familiar with both digital media and the arts, especially cinema and painting, as it is my habit in the teaching scenarios that I develop and implement in the classroom to always include an intercultural approach. 

The students were spontaneously divided into 4 groups of 6 people and each group used a desktop computer and 2 mobile phones for the activities for educational use and with permission requested by the school administration.


1st hour

during the 1st hour of class and after the groups were formed, 2 worksheets were distributed to all students. During the preparation stage of the scenario implementation I uploaded the worksheets and all the supporting material to the e-class. 

In addition to the worksheets, the working groups logged into e-class with the group’s computer operator passwords to make access to the resources easier and faster.

Εικόνα που περιέχει κείμενο

Περιγραφή που δημιουργήθηκε αυτόματα

the course in e-class, Eleni Papadopoulou CC-BY-SA

In modifying the original, standard, script, I omitted the brainstorming and text study stages from the topic bank, as these activities had preceded previous lessons in the Stereotypes and Racism module, which we began studying in late January.

Listening poem

We began by listening to and reading alongside Kiki Dimoula’s poem “Point of Recognition”.

In the poem, we follow the poet’s conversation with a female statue that adorns a park. This external stimulus becomes the occasion for a poetic commentary on women and their place throughout the centuries. Interestingly, the symbolism of the sculpture is negated in the poem and the sculptor’s model (i.e. the captive woman) ultimately functions as a symbol and after interpretive commentary, we came to individual conclusions about the position of women and the inequalities they experience.

Students during the activity, Photo by Eleni Papadopoulou, CC-BY-SA

After the discussion, the groups added to the padlet created by the teacher in the preparation stage the areas of life and the types of inequalities and violence suffered by women.

At this stage we allocated 10 minutes for the poem and 10 minutes for the padlet and 5 minutes for reading the conclusions posted.

Padlet with the results, photo by Eleni Papadopoulou, CC-BY-SA

Reading journal article

Then We read aloud (one student took on the role of reader) the journal article on catcalling and began a lively discussion about thoughts, feelings and lived experiences that they have in mind.

The atmosphere was particularly heated and boisterous and everyone, but especially the girls, had a different account to present. In the end, the theme focused on the forms of violence women face in the West and especially in the East, with many references to acts of inconceivable sexism for women.

Specifically, there were reports from students about cases of “honour” crimes, about the custom of clitoridectomy, about stoning women “just because they had their eyes, the only visible part of their burqa, fixed on a man”, as two students mentioned…

The reading and discussion lasted 20 minutes, at which point the bell rang for a break.

2 nd hour

About suffragetes

After the break, the 2nd worksheet was distributed to the groups. Each group was given the task of observing a photo from the Europeana website. The photos show suffragettes demonstrating for their rights and being persecuted for this by the police.

The worksheet activities guided the groups to search the internet for information about suffragettes, the results of their demands and about feminism. After recording the information, it was communicated to the whole class.

The total time of these activities was 20 minutes.

Students during the activity, Photo by Eleni Papadopoulou, CC-BY-SA

women’s right to vote

Afterwards, the text of the Greek Parliament with information material on women’s right to vote and their presence in politics in the past and present was distributed to the groups and simultaneously shown on the interactive board.

The groups, in the form of notes, responded to questions concerning the establishment of the right to vote in Greece for women, the universal suffrage, the percentage of women in the current parliament.

Especially on the last issue, they presented a histogram with statistical data confirming that the quota for women’s participation in politics was not met.

The above activity was concluded with the teacher writing on the board the ways suggested by the groups to eliminate gender stereotypes and build effective gender equality.

The process was completed within 25 minutes.

Homework and evaluation

A homework assignment was given to write an argumentative article (200-250 words), using the notes taken in the individual activities, on how all people should address the manifestations of sexist behaviour that are increasing in our society.

Alongside the homework, students were asked to evaluate the lesson by completing the evaluation form:

Εικόνα που περιέχει κείμενο

Περιγραφή που δημιουργήθηκε αυτόματα

The evaluation questionnaire

Εικόνα που περιέχει κείμενο

Περιγραφή που δημιουργήθηκε αυτόματα

The evaluation questionnaire

learning effects

The students were concerned and sensitized to issues related to gender equality, confirmed stereotypical perceptions that are still reproduced today and are transmitted by the treatment they receive from both their family and the wider environment in which they are integrated. They got to know aspects of the feminist movement and the a around them and will discover the feminist movement and its value. They cultivated oral discourse and argument exchange and understood the relationship between art and social reality. I strongly recommend all colleagues to implement this cultural heritage scenario because it offers not only learning experiences but also meaningful life experiences to every European citizen. 

Some typical of their responses to the evaluation form:

What did you think of today’s lesson plan?

  • It was different and interactive
  • It was a different approach to a topical issue that is of great concern to us.
  • Very, very nice. We were able to discuss issues that are relevant to our society and we dealt with something that is closer to us.
  • It was interesting and got us all thinking, boys and girls, as to our actions towards others, our exclamations and also to understand what exactly happens to women and how they feel, raising awareness and informing the young minds of the boys.
  • It was special and I loved that we broke away from the “traditional” lesson, also negotiating a topic that is of great personal interest to me and directly affects us all.
  • Very interesting
  • Quite interesting

Which parts of the lesson made a particular impression on you and why?

  • I particularly liked the moment when the groups posted their views on the position of women in different areas
  • The women’s struggle for the right to vote.
  • The poem because I had never read it before and I really liked the way the poet presented all the feelings around the oppression of women.
  • I especially liked the research we did on our own- with our groups about suffragettes and K. Dimoula’s poem, it was a powerful one and brought out the harsh truth of women.
  • I was more struck by the slow progression of legislation around the issue of women’s civil rights and the situation today. (Few women MPs compared to the projected percentage)
  • The text on catcalling because I didn’t think it could be classified as sexual harassment
  • I find it tragic that up to 50 years ago women in Greece did not even have the right to vote and even more tragic that in some countries they still do not
  • The text about catcalling made a special impression on me how much I could identify with this girl.
  • I was particularly struck by the suffragette movement. Despite the conservative views of their time, they managed to change the status quo and bring about a gender balance.

Outcomes for the educator

Europeana’s resources lend themselves to the use and creation of many learning scenarios for a variety of subjects. Both the photographic material, in strict compliance with copyright rules, and the scenarios offered enhance teachers’ ability to transfer knowledge of digital cultural heritage to their students. The operation of the Europeana platform is friendly and efficient, and in parallel with the implementation of this scenario, I received help, during the preparation stage, from the scenarios:

Did you find this story of implementation interesting? Why don’t you read about the related learning scenario? “A Timeline of Sexism and Gender Equality” created by Georgia Dimitriadou

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CC0 1.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana and has been provided by the Eesti Kunstimuuseum.

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