Implementation of ‘STEM in Sports and Dance’ (SOI-RO-31)

My name is Dorina Marin from Romania and I have implemented this learning scenario with 23 students of 9 and 10 years old, in a class of 3rd graders. The activity lasted 45 minutes. I chose this interdisciplinary scenario taking in consideration the fact that my students are art students. The combination of art and STEM disciplines give them the possibility of experimenting with the mathematical and scientific assistance that they need in order to adapt to modern society. Also, the cultural aspects of this learning STEM scenario are mainly sports and dance – which are two of my students’ favourite things. I have created these especially giving their age and level of education.

How was the learning scenario implemented?

We started with a short presentation of the Europeana portal. I have shown them how to search for information and how to use the Creative Commons licences. I have stimulated their creativity by using a large variety of processes and thinking skills on the entire hour of study.

In the Science class, I have asked the students to watch a video from the Europeana collection. They had to identify the dance movements and compare them to the way plants grow and evolve or with the agile movements of well-known animals.

During the maths class, I have shown them a poster with dance movements from the Europeana collection. Then, students have identified any mathematical information seen on the poster. Then they chose any other information that they can use with the respective event. I have combined the images with the rhythmical movements presented by the dance class students. These activities were eagerly accepted by my students. Afterwards, they have created new movements that were inspired by science and maths classes. Given their knowledge of theoretical music, they have identified the musical notes and the musical measures (2/4 time, 3/4 time, 3/8 time, 4/4 time).

Conclusion and reflection

Overall, the implementation of this scenario in the didactic activities, held with students from primary classes, can stimulate their cognitive evolution. It also helps to build their critical thinking; promote their self-esteem and intercultural awareness and their capacity to work within a team. It can also feed their sensory integration, their emotional and behavioural maturity.

Did you find this story of implementation interesting? Why don’t you read about the related learning scenario?

STEM in Sports and Dance created by Sarah Camilleri Dimech

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