Implementation of ‘The Power of Voice and Brush’ (SOI-TR-12)

We, Corum Cumhuriyet Anatolian High School, have implemented “The Power of Voice and Brush” scenario, with 16-year-old students. Our students’ cognitive and emotional preparedness level has been observed as subpar. Our classroom environment can be defined as partially adequate, although not perfect, in terms of physical and technological equipment. We made sure that all the students had internet access before starting the lesson.

Using ICT tools to raise students interest

Students have been acquainted with the materials and procedures used in the lesson beforehand. The Europeana platform was introduced to them, during a session where they could practice the related content search. They acquired awareness of content and copyright issues. We observed that the students’ motivation was at its peak and they were eager to complete the tasks as we used ICT tools. They mostly enjoyed Wheeldecide and Kahoot; the winner of each game was awarded with a little surprise.

Using the power of arts: the implementation in 3 steps

Worksheet studies went on with great excitement. We had to strive a bit with Flipgrid at Stage 1, since it was the first time we used it. This helped us to detect and overcome our weaknesses at that point.

At stage 2, students made short presentations about the artists they had chosen before the lesson. Then, they had the chance to examine various impressionist paintings, detecting the distinctive characteristics of them. For example, Van Gogh’s life story made a great influence on students’ points of view on art studies. In addition,“Starry, Starry Night” song by Don Mclean, and marbling art portrait by Garip Ay, helped us to pass on the emotions to the students.

At stage 3, while the scenario writer proposed Polish painters, we decided to adapt it as Turkish painters and processed the same activity with Turkish painters. Unfortunately, we could not find any results about Turkish impressionists, Halil Ali Riza, Halil Pasa, and Gurkan Coskun. At the last stage, the students chose the Starry Night painting as the most representative one.

We made use of ICT tools efficiently through this scenario which I regard as really useful for enabling cooperation and problem-solving processes within the classroom. So, we owe Dear Katarina Siwczak and Europeana family a great debt of gratitude.

Mustafa Burhan ESEN

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