Implementation of “Young Leaders for Peace”(SOI-RO-278)

Author: Mihai Mariana – professor

School/Organization: Secondary School No. 28, Galați

The activity is carried out in the fifth grade, at the IV learning unit “I want to save the world” and consists of approaching behavioral models.  The learning scenario was based on Young Leaders for Peace (LS-PT-723).” I chose this lesson plan because it naturally fit into the lessons contained in the calendar planning. First, in the evocation stage, a thaw exercise was performed, proposing to the students to write down on the blackboard, in a stellar explosion, the characters they studied about and who can be considered life models. The choice was justified by mentioning the moral or cultural quality proved by the hero. The class was then divided into groups and asked to go through an excerpt from the book “I am Malala”, co-written with Patricia McCormick. The text can also be heard from the digital manual. The students answer, by working in a team, questions aimed at understanding the text, the relationships between people, the cause-and-effect relationships. The biographies from the chosen scenario Young Leaders for Peace  belonging to great heroines Biographies. Children are invited to make posters, posters with other people who have done good to humanity. They showed up in class and the Gallery Tour was made.

Context of implementation

What does it mean to be a hero?
We have implemented the scenario mentioned above, in a formal context, at school, during the language and literature class Romanian, in the fifth grade B, having students aged 10 or 11 years. The class has a total of 22 children. The chosen scenario was consistent with the theme of the learning unit, about civilizing heroes, about behavioral models. We chose as “anchors” their notions about ancient heroes, model characters from books and we brought up the subject of Malala, projecting images from Europeana Malala

The narrative

1. Evocation – attention-grabbing exercise – the stellar explosion, which mentioned heroes, characters with high moral or cultural qualities; vstriking the images of Malala from Malala

2.Establishing meaning – an exercise in reading a fragmentary text from Malala’s book or listening to the AMII in the digital text book (Digital Manual)

3. Reflection – writing some sayings, through teamwork, regarding the ideas of the text, the characters, relationships, conflicts etc.

4.Extension – The biographies from the chosen scenario belonging to great heroines have been completed.

5. Application – children produce informative materials in the format of posters, posters reflecting personalities from different cultures, fields, from different times. An exhibition is made and watched on a tour of the exhibition – Gallery of Portraits.

This scenario unfolds over two hours of the course. The activity was adapted so as to reach the competences of the Romanian language curriculum for the fifth grade and to integrate into the course of the lessons designed at the beginning of the school year.

This scenario unfolds over two hours of the course. The activity was adapted so as to reach the competences of the Romanian language curriculum for the fifth grade and to integrate into the course of the lessons designed at the beginning of the school year.

Learning outcomes

The fascination of the new

Following the implementation of the learning scenario, we noticed the active involvement of the students, the interest in the resource used and in the combination of methods and resources. I recommend diversifying educational methods and websites, as students are fascinated by what’s new and are interested in online cultural resources.

Outcomes for the teacher

An European approach

As an educator, I benefited from a new resource, with a cultural foundation, particularly rich, thus aligning the lesson with those of European level and interest. The use of materials was effective and beneficial for the entire educational process. 

Did you find this story of implementation interesting? Why don’t you read about the related learning scenario? Young Leaders for Peace created by Ana Mendes

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Public Domain Mark 1.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana and has been provided by the Rijksmuseum.

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