Implementation of “Let’s make green decisions” (SOI-GR-590)
Abstract/Introduction Observing and living the dramatic effects of human interference to the Nature like floodings, fires, pollution, destruction of natural habitats, …
Abstract/Introduction Observing and living the dramatic effects of human interference to the Nature like floodings, fires, pollution, destruction of natural habitats, …
Background information Author: Stavrakaki Vasiliki School/Organization: Kindergarten of Livadia Introduction Immigration is a social issue, quite topical these days. In recent years …
Autor: Maria Mariana GHEORGHE Școală: Colegiul Național ”Mihai Viteazul” Ploiești, județ Prahova Introducere: Elevii de la clasa a VII-a au răspuns solicitărilor …
Author: Cristina Elena Voicu, Teacher of history & geography Organization/School: Școala Gimnazială Nr. 1 Hulubești Introduction The activity was implemented for 8th …
Author/Photographer: Alexandros Parousinas Introduction How can the environmental and cultural heritage of a place be combined and displayed, with the help of …
Author: Eleni Soufleri Introduction The learning scenario was Diversity Illustrated in Dolls by Dorianne Galea and it referred to diversity. It was …
Author: Iordache Mirela, profesor Organization/School: Colegiul Naţional Pedagogic „Dumitru Panaitescu Perpessicius”, Brăila, Romania Introducere Scenariul implementat pune în valoare implicarea femeilor în …
Author: SIMA MARIANA, PROFESOARĂ Organization/School: COLEGIUL NAȚIONAL ”NICHITA STĂNESCU” PLOIEȘTI, PRAHOVA, ROMÂNIA I chose to implement the scenario “The world we want”, …
Autor: Tanasaciuc Valentina-Luminița, profesor pentru învățământul primar, Școală/Organizație: Școala Gimnazială Nr. 28 Galați Introducere Pornind de la scenariul menționat am creat un …
Autor: Maravela Janeta Simona, profesor pentru învățământul primar –CC BY 4.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found …