Implementation of ‘Jobs… From the Dusty Pages of History to Modern Times’ (SOI-GR-206)

This learning scenario “Jobs … From the Dusty Pages of History to Modern Times” could be implemented by distance learning and is a great opportunity to integrate into the classroom the effects of technological developments and industrial reforms in the jobs.
The implementation context (when, where, how)
I implemented this learning scenario with a group of 20 students aged 16-17 in Evangeliki Model in Greece. With this group, we are working on a school program in career preparation. For an hour I introduced online the Europeana portal, the ways that the students could search and the licenses of using the materials. Moreover, I sent via mail the steps of the activities based on the description of the learning scenario and students worked in groups for 3 hours. When students completed them, we met again online to discuss the results, so this means that we spent more time than the duration suggested.
Assessment of activities and tools of the learning process
The activities that are included in the LS are well structured and designed with essential guidelines for the teachers. There are many types of online teaching materials appropriate for the tasks of the learning scenario that are organized into categories to help teachers to select and focus on developing students’ skills. The assessment tools also are very important because on the one hand, teachers have access to students’ contribution and comments on the activities and on the other hand, the peer assessment is additional value, as students could express their opinions for their classmates.
The only problem is that there is a broken link.
1) The topic of article Europeana’s “Europe at Work, Share your story” was very useful and students used it as a template for their interview that is presented here
2) The suggested articles child labour, women’ labour history in Europe and industrial agriculture were very interesting according to our online group discussions.
3) The most important part was the research in the Europeana portal, where students selected items to highlight how the job market was presented in the past. The results are presented here.
For evaluation, we did not use the questionnaires, but I kept notes for the learning outcomes through discussions and interviews.
Learning outcomes
Based on Europeana resources, students are able to understand the changes happening in some professions due to technological developments and industrial reforms. It also aims to introduce how to use Europeana resources in class especially for the high school students aged 14-18.
Moreover, students develop i) scientific literacy, as they search for information in the Europeana portal, ii) skills for using ICT tools, iii) responsibility and social culture.
In general, students enjoyed this learning scenario and it was a great way to introduce the culture heritage of Europe through the Europeana portal.
Did you find this story of implementation interesting? Why don’t you read about the related learning scenario?
Jobs… From The Dusty Pages of History to Modern Times (LS-TR-288)
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CC0 1.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana and has been provided by the Statens Museum for Kunst.