Implementation of ‘History of fashion design’ (SOI-HR-468)

Learning Scenario: History of Fashion Design (LS-PT-121) was a great motivation and idea how to work with Drama class starting not with the text or idea for play, but with the things that we are familiar with from the past and are still important to us. Especially to teenagers. That is fashion and clothing.  These contents can be integrated  in Art, History, Greek language, Literature ,Social Studies, Drama classes. Learning Scenario was used with 15-18 year old students during Drama classes. It was a group of 15 students. It facilitate students to have a more enlightening and comprehensive idea about the history of the theatre costumes.

We used the learning scenario History of fashion design for Drama classes to introduce theatre costumes and  to make a new school play.


First we had a quiz with costumes and different objects from different historical periods. Photos with costumes and objects were used from Europeana,from the collection Fashion and Archeology. The students had to guess which costume belonged to which period, as well as objects. Since the students have been learning classical Greek and Latin for 4 years, they were most interested in costumes and objects from ancient Greece.

Creation and collaboration

Students observed parts of ancient Greek clothing and learned the names of clothing items and the usage of objects. We explored the most famous works of art featuring ancient characters and connected their usage of objects.  Based on their research of artworks and their prior knowledge of Greek gods from mythology, the students were tasked to create a biography of one ancient Greek character of their choice. The biography had to include not only basic information and family connections but also conflicts, marriages, involvement in wars or conflicts, favorite foods and drinks, types of entertainment, and so on.  We merged all the biographies into a shared document and read them together at the drama school meeting. At that moment a new idea came that we transform biographies into a school play.

Picture 1: Student performing Ares
Picture 2: Student performing Dioniz
Picture 3: Student performing Demetra
Picture 4: Student performing Athena
Picture 5: Student performing Zeus
Picture 6: Student work-Biography of a Greek character

Reflection The script for the school play, a comedy, was written by students and mentor. Afterwards it was approved by the classical languages professor. The performance was staged and received excellent reviews.

Picture 7: Students performing a school play about life in Olimp, all characters are from Greek mythology

Specific aims :

  • Identify the different styles of clothing design
  • Understand usefulness and importance of the objects used to introduce characters in paintings
  • Repeat the knowledge from mythology and develop characters for the school play
  • Perform a school play

Generics aims:

  • Use Europeana to search and gather information about the topic;
  • Understand the concept of art, design and theatre
  • Project based learning
  • Learn to develop collaborative peer learning and research
  • Develop Digital Skills, Creativity and Visual Intelligence
  • Encourage creativity and public performance
  • Active learning using digital educational tools;

Link to the learning scenario implemented: History of Fashion Design (LS-PT-121) – Teaching With Europeana (

Do you want to discover more stories of implementation? Click here.

CC BY 4.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana and has been provided by the Victoria and Albert Museum.

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