Implementation of ‘Let’s Make Green Decisions’ (SOI-TR-250)

This learning scenario, Let’s Make Green Decisions (LS-HR-573), is meant to be used with students thirteen years of age and older. It is about raising awareness of the negative environmental changes occurring in the modern world. Thanks to the mass media, we are witnessing dramatic environmental changes happening over the world on a daily basis. What causes these changes is the big question. How to react in order to save the environment for future This lesson is meant to be used with students thirteen years of age and older. It is about raising awareness of the negative environmental changes occurring in the modern world. Thanks to the mass media, we are witnessing dramatic environmental changes happening over the world on a daily basis. What causes these changes is the big question. How to react in order to save the environment for future generations is another one. The students will try to answer these questions during this lesson.

I implemented the scenario with 14 year-old students, the 9th graders. I aimed to raise awareness of today’s damaging environmental changes.

Firstly, I encouraged the students to come up with thoughts concerning environmental changes. We used the Menti tool to get their ideas and had a discussion in order to share their thoughts. Here are the results of Menti.

Then, the students read the Europeana blog Green Through Time: Four Historical Figures Who Raised Awareness of the Environment.

They were divided into four teams. Each team read about one of the four famous people. One member of each group searched through Google to collect more information about the person. Having read the blog, students wrote their notes into Jamboard slides using sticky notes. Then in turns, they presented the person to the class. Through a group discussion, students tried to come up with ideas of what were possible causes and effects of environmental changes in the past.

I asked students to imagine going back to the past. Their task was to interview one of the four famous people from the blog, the topic being environmental problems. They worked in pairs this time, one being the famous person and the other the interviewer. Having done that, students acted out the interviews which was very enjoyable for the students. Next, the students watched the National Geographic YouTube video called Causes and Effects of Climate Change.

Afterward, I asked the kids to create posters with slogans and pictures to raise awareness of the dangers In line with the aim of the lesson, students were instructed to create posters with slogans and illustrations that would raise awareness of the negative environmental changes. The format was not determined in the original learning scenario so I made them use Padlet to upload and exhibit their products.

Lastly, I created another Padlet for the exit tickets for the end of the lesson. Students wrote their opinions about:

  1. Name some causes of environmental changes.
  2. Name some effects of environmental changes.
  3. What can you do to preserve the environment?

In the original scenario, the author preferred  Microsoft Forms for a questionnaire asking how the students felt during the lesson by choosing an emoji, I preferred created a Google Form. Here are the results:

This learning scenario departed from usual textbook-based procedures, it proved to be extremely exciting and motivating to students as well as me. I made some little alterations. The aims of the scenario have been fulfilled, the students have learned how to use Europeana and find information. They have improved their teamwork and collaboration skills, critical thinking, online research abilities and language competencies. Finally, both me and my students enjoyed the lesson.

Did you find this story of implementation interesting? Why don’t you read about the related learning scenario?

Let’s Make Green Decisions created by Anita Lasić

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CC BY-SA 4.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana and has been provided by the Kooperationinitiative Museen Baselland.

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