Implementation of “A Sky Full Of Stars” (SOI-TR-296)
Author: Ebru Efe Özçam/Teacher/Music&IT School/Organization: Köyceğiz Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi For the activity I will do with my students, I wanted to …
Author: Ebru Efe Özçam/Teacher/Music&IT School/Organization: Köyceğiz Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi For the activity I will do with my students, I wanted to …
Key concepts that are considered in the lesson: Man in the Universe, probability of life on other planets. the uniqueness of our …
Os alunos serão capazes de entender o sistema solar, estrelas e suas dimensões. Os alunos em grupos (grupos de 3 alunos) exploram …
This learning scenario has been created by Emine ERTAŞ, a Turkish User Group Teacher. It was implemented for secondary school students aged …