Implementation of ‘From the photon to the leaf’ (SoI-BE-551)
Author: Sofie Dewitte School: Freinetatheneum De Wingerd 1.The Stages of implementation Introduction The teacher explains how photosynthesis works, the different stages of …
Author: Sofie Dewitte School: Freinetatheneum De Wingerd 1.The Stages of implementation Introduction The teacher explains how photosynthesis works, the different stages of …
Introduction I implemented Angela Colli’s Learning Scenario titled “Le donne e la Scienza: Rosalind Franklin” in two third-grade classes of lower secondary …
How many times have we come across a beautiful and fragrant herb without being aware that we may have medicine or perhaps …
Cette activité est destinée à des élèves de l’école primaire (7-8 ans), elle utilise les ressources iconographiques du portail Europeana. A partir …
Rosalind Franklin, chiamata da Watson e Crick “la Dark Lady”, ebbe un ruolo determinante per la scoperta della struttura del DNA. Nata …
In this learning scenario, an interdisciplinary approach between physics (science) and the principle of bird flight (nature) is applied. Students recognize that …
My name is Sonja Jankulovska, I am a teacher of Biology and Natural Sciences from North Macedonia. I implemented Semih Esendemir’s learning …
It’s a STEAM scenario which is inspired by the Camera Obscura ,which was the first vision recording device. It’s for 15-18-year-old students. …
The goal of the “Build your own autonomous plants” course was to show young high school students how to do their own …
The subject belongs to the area of evolution in the curriculum of biology and physiochemical properties of the substances in the curriculum …