Our Everyday Hardware (LS-HR-631)
The learning scenario highlights and explains the differences between old computer parts and modern computer parts housed in modern computer cases. Is …
The learning scenario highlights and explains the differences between old computer parts and modern computer parts housed in modern computer cases. Is …
Introduction In this learning scenario, my students were sensitized to the construction of their individual and collective identity through different forms of …
The teaching scenario elaborates and describes the differences between computers from past centuries and modern computers used today. The goal is to …
Background This learning scenario created by Elisabete Pires was implemented with 13 years old students in the primary school “Krste Misirkov”, Skopje, …
I’m Ayrton Curmi, a primary school teacher of students aged 9-10 years in Malta. In our School Development Plan, we want to …
This learning scenario concentrates on the planning and writing of a diary entry in perspective of a soldier’s feelings and emotions during …
Los alumnos realizan una reflexión e investigación sobre las nuevas formas de participación que ofrecen los nuevos medios y su relación con …
I have decided to implement my very own Learning Scenario, “ReFakeIt” as an extra task, but this time with a group considered …