Implementation of “We are all different yet we are all the same” (SOI-LV-345)
Author: Laura Lauksarga, English teacher School/Organization: Jurmalas Pumpuru secondary school Learning scenario ‘We are all different yet we are all the same’ …
Author: Laura Lauksarga, English teacher School/Organization: Jurmalas Pumpuru secondary school Learning scenario ‘We are all different yet we are all the same’ …
Author: Sacha-Marie Pace, Primary Teacher School/Organization: St Thomas More College Tarxien Primary, Malta The LS I selected focuses on female historical figures …
Background In the learning scenario “We speak different languages, but our hearts are the same,” students were able to reflect and express …
The Purpose of Learning This learning scenario focuses on developing learners’ skills to evaluate and reflect on constructive social aspects and how …
The presence of women in the history of philosophy has been scarce and the few contributions that have been made have had …
Title: Changing role of women in early 20th century Author(s): Niina Vantanen, Europeana Ambassador for Finland Date of implementation: 19/02/2019 Summary This …
The changing role of women has been one of the most important reflection of the 20th century deep changes in society. Created …