Implementation of ”Europe and Me” (SOI-RO-430)
Author: Elena Simona Dumitriu, professor de Istorie School/Organization: Școala Gimnazială ”Miron Costin” , Galați, România Lecția a permis elevilor să înțeleagă noțiuni …
Author: Elena Simona Dumitriu, professor de Istorie School/Organization: Școala Gimnazială ”Miron Costin” , Galați, România Lecția a permis elevilor să înțeleagă noțiuni …
This scenario was interesting to me because of the topic itself, which is not normally covered in regular classes, and for students …
Ovaj scenarij poučavanja naziva „Wenn die Wände sprechen könnten“ (Kada bi zidovi mogli govoriti) potiče na razmišljanje o važnosti i utjecaju povijesne i …
Ovaj scenarij poučavanja na temu “Umjetnost i identitet” omogućit će učenicima da istraže i spoznaju život i rad umjetnice Fride Kahlo kao …
Context Inspired by an insightful Europeana blog post, this Learning Scenario constitutes a journey which starts in Shakespeare’s 16th-century fictional Venice – …
Why Food and Culture? What we call culture is everything that makes up the way a group of people live. Including how …
The learning scenari Europe and me was created by Jean-Christophe Jost, Europeana Ambassador for France and implemented by Geanina Turcanu from Romania. …
This learning scenario by Jean-Christophe Jost, Europeana Ambassador for France, tackles the topic of “my identity”, in the middle school curriculum in …