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interdisciplinary learning

Collage of mixed fruits and vegetables, MRI

Mondrian Quilt (EN-CUR-378)

Mondrian Quilt is an interdisciplinary lesson that combines English and Arts. It is based on the Europeana blog post about the painter …

picture of a man alone in the mountain

Mountain Wisdom (EN-CUR-374)

This scenario is inspired by paintings, texts and blog “What are men to rocks and mountains?” from Europeana. Students will research the …

Masterpieces of Art (LS-MK-314)

An e-Twinning linked activity Students will develop different 21st-century skills through project-based, collaborative learning. As part of an eTwinning project: APPic learning, …


Lost Memorabilia (EN-CUR-199)

The learning scenario takes a cross-curricular approach. By the end of the lesson, students develop all language skills (reading, listening, speaking, writing). …

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