Implementation of “Mondrian and Math Lessons” (SOI-GR-577)
Author: Rania Iatropoulou Abstract/Introduction Inspired by Natalija Budinski’s innovative approach to teaching geometry through art, this learning scenario was adapted for a …
Author: Rania Iatropoulou Abstract/Introduction Inspired by Natalija Budinski’s innovative approach to teaching geometry through art, this learning scenario was adapted for a …
Abstract We have implemented ‘Meme-ing the Great Masters of European Painting’ (LS-GR-109) by Maria Skiadelli. The implementation took place in a class …
Abstract/Introduction The scenario was implemented within the context of the curriculum theme “Weather and Environment” for eighth-grade students. The students learned simple …
U ovom scenariju podučavanja predstavlja se online vršnjačko podučavanje dvije (umjetničke) škole fizički udaljene (umjetnička škola u Splitu i umjetnička škola u …
How can we, by teaching a foreign language, transform our students into travelers who will be willing to give up any prejudice …
“We shall not cease from exploration / And the end of all our exploring / Will be to arrive where we started …
A actividade proposta será desenvolvida no âmbito do 8º ano, na disciplina de História, numa turma de 16 alunos, mediante, trabalho de …
Partindo do problema Que sentimentos e emoções vivenciam os soldados na frente de atalha e como os expressam? Pretende-se que os alunos …
‘Portraits’ is a learning scenario for Art and ESL students. Students get familiar with the portraits that were famous during different historical …
Have you ever tackled the issue of mental health while also discussing one of the greatest Expressionist artists of all time? This …