Implementation of “Diversity illustrated in dolls” (SOl-RO-293)
Author: Gabriela Ungureanu, primary school teacher School/Organization: Scoala Gimnaziala “Inv. Radu Ion” Vadu-Parului The implementation context We are all different and that’s …
Author: Gabriela Ungureanu, primary school teacher School/Organization: Scoala Gimnaziala “Inv. Radu Ion” Vadu-Parului The implementation context We are all different and that’s …
Author: Mirko Andrić, teacher of geography School/Organization: Osnovna škola “Retfala” /Primary school Retfala The main goal is to develop, repeat and practice …
This learning scenario provides students with the opportunity to explore the topic of peace, research into ways of dealing with conflict, investigate …
Equacionar a evolução dos meios de comunicação até aos nossos dias e reconhecer figuras incontornáveis dessa evolução que deixam sua marca ao …
In the third grade of primary school students learn about their past, their ancestors and the concept of time – they learn …
Did you know that you can create music using artworks? This interdisciplinary learning scenario will show you how music and visual arts …
This learning scenario aims to teach students to define the weather conditions in the seasons and express their feelings, moods according to …