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Food for Thought

Have you ever opened your fridge and thought, “What am I going to do with all the food? Can we manage to …

Equality Equals Prosperity

“Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable …

Be Happy! And Know It!

“The pursuit of happiness is a fundamental human goal.” / Damcho Dorji/ On 12th July 2012 The General Assembly of the United …

A Plastic-Free World? (LS-IT-331)

The idea for this Learning Scenario hatched during the students’ participation in an eTwinning project “Our Earth- Our Responsibility” which concerned raising …

Climate Change Webquest (LS-HR-285)

The Earth’s climate has been changing for millennia. However, since exact measurements were introduced, it has become obvious that the changes are …

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