Implementation of ‘Femeile secolului XX și realizările lor’ (SOI-RO-571)
Author: Cristina Elena Voicu, Teacher of history & geography Organization/School: Școala Gimnazială Nr. 1 Hulubești Introduction The activity was implemented for 8th …
Author: Cristina Elena Voicu, Teacher of history & geography Organization/School: Școala Gimnazială Nr. 1 Hulubești Introduction The activity was implemented for 8th …
Introduction Throughout the year in my English language classes, the students and I celebrate holidays and days dedicated to certain people. As …
Author: Sacha-Marie Pace, Primary Teacher School/Organization: St Thomas More College Tarxien Primary, Malta The LS I selected focuses on female historical figures …
Unsung voices-Black Women Activists is a learning scenario that tries to introduce students to lesser-known black women who were fighters for women …
Background The pandemic context of teaching and learning forced us to reinvent ourselves, to preserve the affective dimension of the relationship between …
A partir da coleção da Europeana “Women’s history”, em grupos de 4 os alunos selecionam dois retratos de mulheres e procedem à …
Através da utilização da Europeana propõe-se aos alunos uma investigação sobre as Padroeiras da Europa, sua vida e seus escritos. Como marcaram …
En este escenario, los alumnos aprenderán aspectos sobre el papel de la mujer en la Historia, a través de dibujos. El objetivo …
Avoiding gender inequalities it is key to develop 21st-century competences among our students; Especially personal and social responsibility, critical thinking and creativity. …
The position of women in the labour market has changed significantly over the centuries. The Industrial Revolution marked women’s participation in the …