Europeana 2018-2019: one year of digital cultural heritage in the classroom
During the 2018-2019 academic year, teachers around Europe have been sharing their experience of using digital cultural heritage in their classroom. They also have been involved in creating learning scenarios using Europeana content. Discover how this engaging learning experience has allowed them to impact students by introducing a new perspective on cultural heritage in their classrooms!
What’s next?
Registrations for the Europeana MOOCs opening soon
The ‘Europeana in your classroom: building 21st-century competences with digital cultural heritage’ online course will be rerun in English, Spanish and Portuguese. It will also be translated to Italian and French. Stay tuned to find out more about the registrations.
More learning resources available for teachers
For the upcoming weeks, learning scenarios in Spanish and Portuguese will be made available on the blog for teachers of all subjects, who are interested in digital cultural heritage. New learning scenarios are also expected to result from the rerun of the Europeana courses.
With more than 38,000 students already reached, the Europeana Education initiative will continue to extend the community of teachers using digital cultural heritage in their classroom in the 2019-2020 academic year!
Would you like to know more about the project? Join the Europeana Education Facebook and LinkedIn Group
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