Museum Educators, join the Europeana Education User Group!
Are you a Museum Educator? Are you looking for new opportunities to enrich your career? Then join the community of Museum Educators using digital cultural resources in their educational activities! European Schoolnet is looking for 12 museum educators from the European Union to join the Europeana Education User Group, between November 2020 and August 2021.
What is Europeana?
Europeana is Europe’s platform for digital cultural heritage, empowering the cultural heritage sector in its digital transformation. Through its website, millions of cultural heritage items from around 4,000 institutions across Europe are available online. Europeana also works to share and promote this heritage so that it can be used and enjoyed by people across the world. Teachers and learners of all ages can find images, text, audio, video, but also 3D content, on anything from art to science, in over 37 languages. A big part of the collections – over 20 million items – is openly licensed and can be freely reused in education.
As museum educators, what will your role be in the Europeana User Group?
As part of the User Group of Museum Educators, you will be required to support the project by creating and possibly testing one new Learning Scenario based on an agreed topic, using Europeana content.
Selected educators should cover a range of topics, should be experienced in producing learning resources, should have sufficient knowledge of English (understanding, writing, reading and listening) and should also have an interest in creating learning resources.
Why should you participate?
Not only will you be part of the growing community of teachers and educators preparing youngsters and adults for the challenges of the present in the digital society, but you will also have the opportunity to work together with other passionate teachers and educators.
At the end of the project, European Schoolnet will invite the 20 most active Europeana Education User Group teachers/museum educators to a Europeana DSI-4 Teacher workshop taking place in the Future Classroom Lab, with all transport and accommodation expenses covered*.
Deadline to apply: 25 October 2020
For more details about the call, please read the terms and conditions.
*Depending on the evolution of the Covid-19 pandemic, the face-to-face workshop might be replaced by another activity.