Tackling New Challenges and Audiences in Education

With more than 49,000 students reached, the last two years have been the most ambitious and fruitful years of European Schoolnet and Europeana collaboration, working on strengthening the community of teachers using digital cultural heritage in their classroom.

Strong from its sustainable community, in the next two years the Europeana Education initiative and European Schoolnet aim to reach more teachers and educators across Europe to provide quality learning, based on citizenship, collaboration and critical thinking for our students and future citizens. It will be made possible by involving museum educators and other GLAM professionals, to strengthen the links between formal and informal education through different actions. Find what they are! Read this brochure and learn about the:

  • The Europeana Teacher Community achievement in 2019-2020
  • The new Europeana Ambassador Network and User Group composed of teachers and museum educators
  • The Europeana Classroom:  a reference for educators and learners with digital cultural heritage resources
  • The new Europeana MOOC for formal and informal education

Join the Europeana Education initiative

Are you a teacher or a museum educator interested in taking part in the Europeana Education initiative? Stay tuned to have the opportunity to join the new Europeana Ambassador Network and User Group.

Would you like to know more about Europeana? Join Europeana Education on Facebook and LinkedIn, visit the Europeana Pro website and the Europeana Classroom!

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