Vote For Your Favourite Student’s Artworks: #reinventingBeethoven Challenge

The first Presidential election in the Republic of Finland, image selected on Europeane

On 26th October, Europeana Education launched #reinventingBeethoven: a challenge for primary and secondary teachers around the life and work of Ludwig van Beethoven

Now, close to the 250 Anniversary of Beethoven’s birthday on 16th December, teachers participating in the challenge have submitted their student’s artworks.

Votes open From 10 December

From 10 December, Europeana Education opens votes in its Facebook Group to choose the 5 student’s artworks you like the most. You can submit your votes for as many artworks as you want until the end of 14 December.

On 16 December, commemorating Beethoven’s birthday, a blog with the results from the challenge and the best 5 will be published on Europeana Pro.

If you want to participate and vote for your favourite artworks and you are not a member, please join the Europeana Education Facebook Group.

Don’t forget to pay attention to social media (Facebook and Linkedin) and visit the Europeana Classroom website to know more about the challenge’s results and other activities organized by Europeana Education.

If you want to be more involved, please join the Europeana Education Community.

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