Visualizing Women in Art: Women as Art Creators and as Protagonists of Artistic Creations (LS-ES-711)

Context for the implementation

This Learning Scenario was implemented with a group of Spanish students in the last year of high school (17-18 years old) in the subject of History. The implementation of the LS was carried out over a couple of weeks to give the students time to carefully search for the necessary resources in Europeana and to be able to adequately develop an instructive and coherent commentary. Its application, apart from provoking a lively interest both in its realization and in its exhibition, created a relaxed and entertaining environment for the students when talking about the authors and, above all, in the games and contests derived after the exhibition created in Wordwall. Three lessons (50 minutes each) were dedicated in total, one for work production, the other for the exhibition of the works, and the other for the quizzes and activities.

Students during the activity. Juan Antonio Colao CC-BY-SA


My advice to my classmates who want to apply this LS is that it should be done in an academic period in which they have the greatest possible knowledge of the different styles in order to be able to appreciate the works sought in greater depth and to be able to participate in classroom activities with greater knowledge. Therefore, I would recommend the last quarter for its completion. The active involvement in the search for the works and authors, as well as their application in the classroom, gave rise to a high level of student motivation, which makes me see its unquestionable usefulness.

The most gratifying thing for me as a teacher was to see how the students discovered that world of great female artists that remained to be known and discovered, thus sowing the essential seed of curiosity in a subject as necessary as the one at hand.

Links to the Padlet and the Wordwall made by students:

Students during the activity. Juan Antonio Colao CC-BY-SA

On Europeana Resources:

The main advantage of this LS is that Europeana presents a wide variety of resources at all levels, without any need for external links. It was easy for the students to find the necessary resources, and it was also pleasant for them to be able to choose among so many options.

Would you like to know more about this learning scenario? You can download it below:

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Public Domain Mark 1.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana and has been provided by the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek.

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